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TFO Final Conference: “Sustainable Land Management – Challenges and Opportunities”, Berlin, Germany 7-9 March 2016
TFO Final Dissemination Tour: Workshop in Huambo, Angola 27th July 2015
TFO Final Dissemination Tour: Workshop in Chitembo, Angola 24th July 2015
TFO Final Dissemination Tour: Workshops in Rundu and Mashare, Namibia, 20.-21. July 2015
The Final TFO Dissemination Tour: 3rd Workshop Seronga 18 July
The Final TFO Dissemination Tour: 2nd Workshop Maun 16 July
TFO Final Dissemination Tour - Book Launch in Windhoek, Namibia, 13 July
Workshop: Hamburg, Germany, 27 to 29 April 2015
Workshop: Chitembo, Bie /Angola, 16 to 28 March 2015
Mid-Term Seminar and 3rd Advisory Board Meeting October 8th, 2014 Bonn, Germany
Forestry Research Day Semptember, 23rd 2014
AZEF-Forum: Grahamtown, South Africa, 8 to 11 September 2014
Workshop: Hamburg, Germany, 2-3 September 2014
Training Workshop Mashare, 28 July to 8 August 2014
Workshop: Hamburg, Germany, 4-5 June 2014
Scientific symposium, Rundu, Namibia, 24 - 27 Feb 2014
Scenario Meeting: Rundu, 27 February 2014
Workshop: Hamburg, Germany, 19-22 November 2013
Angola Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 23 October 2013
Workshop Trier, 26.-28. August 2013
OBIS-Workshop, Jena, Germany, 22-23 May 2013
LAMA status conference, Berlin, Germany, 17-19 Apr 2013
Workshop Berlin, 16-17 Apr 2013
Workshop Gießen, 7-8 Feb 2013
AAKNet Workshop Nairobi, 5-6 February 2013
Workshop Braunschweig, 31 January - 1 February 2013
Workshop Hamburg, 11-12 Dec 2012
Workshop Hamburg, 1-2 Nov 2012
TFO review tour, 27-31 August 2012
Workshop Luanda, 31 July - 3 August 2012
Workshop Gießen, 6 June 2012
Workshop Hamburg, 3-4 May 2012
Workshop Braunschweig, 2-3 February 2012
Workshop Marburg, 13 December 2011
Workshop Maun, 11-13 October 2011
Workshop Braunschweig, 2-3 March 2011
Meeting Pevestorf, 9-10 September 2010
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TFO Projects

SP09.2 - GIS-based landscape analyses, environmental modeling, and decision support for integrated resource management
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Böhner
University of Hamburg
Department of Geography
Bundesstraße 55 (Geomatikum)
20146 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 42838 4960
Dr. Jan Wehberg
University of Hamburg
Department of Geography
Bundesstraße 55 (Geomatikum)
20146 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 42838 4950
The task of Subproject SP09.2 i.e. the working group of Prof. J. Böhner at the Department of Geography in Hamburg is the development and implementation of an integrated geospatial data analysis and decision support system within a GIS environment, featuring landscape analyses, modelling applications and an integrated assessment and optimization of landscape and resource management strategies for alternative climate and land use scenarios. The applications will integrate and aggregate methods, results and information from different subprojects.
To achieve these goals, Subproject SP09.2 will contribute to the following tasks:
Task 1: Geodata compilation and supplementation - In close cooperation with the Coordination Project, available geodata sources will be evaluated and important gaps identified. Based on remotely sensed data and topographic data sources, we will provide site specific information for the selective supplementation of available data sets by a minimum but representative set of field surveys and monitoring sites (representative with respect to overreaching project aims, environmental settings and land use intensities).
Task 2: Landscape analysis. - The main objective of this task is to provide a baseline analysis of the current state of the Okavango catchment. Based on land use/land use change data (provided by Subproject SP09.1) and continuous layers of regionalized abiotic and biotic parameters (estimated from local test site data and available point source data), we will analyze the spatial variation of state factors and the distribution pattern, extension, fragmentation and topological relation of (natural and managed) ecosystems and values of ecosystem services and functions.
Task 3: Environmental modeling. - The third task aims to analyze and model climate and land use determined environmental processes and its implications for environmental resources and ESF&S at commensurate spatial scales. We will enhance the climate model ensemble of Subproject SP01 by a statistical downscaling scheme, to provide spatiotemporal high resolution topoclimatic parameters for case studies, degradation risk assessment and ESF&S modeling for alternative climate and land use scenarios.
Task 4: Decision support for integrated landscape and resource management. - Task 4 aims to define optimized land management strategies, which ensure a maximum preservation of ecosystem services and functions even under the assumption of increasing pressures, accelerated by global warming and land use change. In cooperation with all relevant partner SPs and selected stakeholders, we will develop and implement operational decision support tools, which aggregates methods and results from the previous tasks within an easily to handle GIS environment based on the free- and open source software SAGA (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses), applicable in integrated land and resource management at different decision-making levels.